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About Us

St Peter Chanel is an iconic school based in beautiful sunny Otaki.

It is rich in local history and has been a shining light for many students and their families for many years. The school is set in the beautiful surroundings of St Mary's church and our marae, Te Marae o Hine, at the foot of our sacred hill, Pukekaraka.

The school community and BOT are committed to ensuring our students are educated, cared for and nurtured in a holistic learning environment. Core school values of aroha (love), manaakitanga (hospitality and safe-guarding),  rangimārie (peacefulness) and whanaungatanga (positive relationships) form the foundation from which we provide a safe, healthy and happy environment. From this, our students can learn to their full potential, so that they may shine their light on the world.


Our Patron Saint

This is our Patron Saint, Peter Chanel a French Priest in the Society of Mary (Marist).

Peter Chanel was a man of courage, hope and truth.

Full of faith, alive with zeal, he sailed the ocean wide. With the Book in hand bound for New Zealand, Holy Mary at his side.

St Peter Chanel School was opened in 1894


Our Vision

“Ko te Tamaiti, he Rama o Te Ao”

The Child is the Shining Light of the World

Kura Reo Rua

Kia mau ki te reo o tō iwi

‘Cling to the language of your people’

Our staff are committed to increasing the amount of spoken Reo Maori in our kura and in our kura community. We do this through simple oral exercises both in class and school-wide.  Our goal is for our tamariki to be able to understand and have every day conversations.


Kura Taiao

Mauri mahi, mauri ora

‘A working soul is a healthy soul’. 

Our environment is our world of learning; it is our role and responsibility to sustain practices that support our place of learning within the local curriculum, including:

  • Reduce, Recycle, Reuse Programme

  • Maara Kai (Vegetable and Herb Gardens), Paamu Noke  (Worm Farm),  Puu Wairakau (Compost Bin)

  • Restoration of Mangapouri Awa and Pukekaraka (hill)

Kura Whakapono

He kura te tangata

‘It is important for each of us to contribute to the well-being of a group’

We are committed to promoting values, practises and well-being.

We employ an inclusive culture where we celebrate, embrace and respect others.

Aroha is the universal practice that bridges all cultures and beliefs.

Important Documents

To review our strategic plan and/or annual report, please click one of the buttons below

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